Turnham Green Terrace
We are delighted to announce that Hounslow Council has confirmed that certain Streetspace measures are being abandoned. After strong campaigning by members of the local community, we can confirm Turnham Green Terrace is officially open to cars (up until now it was temporary) and the 30 min free ‘Stop and Shop’ parking has been restored. The last block of concrete was removed by Hounslow Highways just before midday on 18th May 2021.
Read about it here : Chiswick’s Local Web site (chiswickw4.com)

COMMUNICATION RECEIVED BY PARTICIPATING RESIDENTS FROM HANIF KHAN, CABINET MEMBER FOR TRANSPORT, LB HOUNSLOW Dear resident, I want to thank you for taking part in Hounslow Council’s Streetspace consultation. Your views, along with traffic and air quality data, have now been considered as part of the independent reviews that we commissioned of Streetspace trials in Hounslow. Today, we’re announcing a number of decisions about the future of the trials, including some that will be removed and others that will be amended or progressed to the Final Review stage in July. To read the published reports visit: https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/streetspace-review A summary of the main decisions can be found in our press release, available on the same page. Once again, on behalf of Hounslow Council, I thank you for your time and input into our Streetspace review. Best wishes, Councillor Hanif Khan Cabinet Member for Transport and One Hounslow Hounslow Council |
Turnham Green Terrace is a shopping street in Central Chiswick which for decades has embodied everything that is special and celebrated about Chiswick.
Amongst the many shops along here is an award-winning butcher, fishmonger, two greengrocers, two delicatessens and a luxury chocolate shop; there is also a toyshop, a traditional haberdashery, an award-winning jewellery shop, a travel agent, a card shop, a picture framer, clothes shops for men and women, barbers, hairdressers, beauty salons, a leather shop, shoe repairers, as well as several cafes, restaurants and charity shops. Two roads run off it, both with shops/cafes on them – Turnham Green Terrace Mews and Chiswick Common Road.
But Turnham Green Terrace is also the main artery that links different parts of Chiswick – running between Bedford Park and the centre of Chiswick enabling residents, businesses, delivery drivers and service providers to reach all parts of Chiswick.

Closure to cars and parking in summer 2020
The sudden decision to close it to cars in the summer of 2020 without any meaningful consultation or information was accompanied by the issuing over £1,000,000 worth of Penalty Charges on unsuspecting motorists by Hounslow Council: this has been devastating for businesses, shops, residents, and visitors alike. People were unable to visit each other or access essential services without fear of fines or being seriously delayed by heavy traffic. Doctors and carers could not reach their patients. Any pleas to the Council fell on deaf ears.

Parking was also removed which meant that although technically cars were allowed to enter for access – it was meaningless – because there was nowhere to park. Blue badge parking was allowed but shoppers’ deliveries had to be pre-booked and if there was no loading space, people had to drive through and then receive a heavy fine.
Consequently, for people that had to drive in Chiswick, there were very long detours that brought congestion and unprecedented levels of pollution to Acton Lane, South Parade, Bath Road and Goldhawk Road. It also negatively affected the surrounding streets and parking.

What is happening in Turnham Green Terrace now?
It has formally reopened. The gridlock which the closure of the Terrace created on other roads was then worsened when repairs to a water leak closed Acton Lane during October 2020 and so car access had to be restored temporarily to Turnham Green Terrace after weeks of protests.
The Streetspace consultation which included TGT can be found here. This consultation process ended on January 31st and the results were announced on 17th May 2021.
A placemaking consultation recently started and it ended on 8th February. Based on previous consultations/engagement meetings, we know there is a probably a hidden agenda driven by the cycling lobby. Why are they changing the names of boundaries within Chiswick and elsewhere?
Is this one is seeking endorsement of the Peter Murray/Urban Movement proposals which were submitted to Hounslow Council and would turn Turnham Green Terrace into a characterless, out-of-a-catalogue street like those in Waltham Forest? The descriptions sound good but the effects are devastating. Orford Road, Waltham Forest, has only 15 shops in the pedestrianised section and cannot be considered a useful comparison; business is so low that several shops open for only three days a week. Traders in Turnham Green Terrace, where rents are so much higher, will not survive. Please support Chiswick’s traders by making it clear that you want the Terrace to stay open to all drivers; that the parking should be restored, especially the free 30-minute stop-and-shop parking; as it is a much-valued place for locals and a destination for people from all over London and much further beyond; please add important points about the inadequacies of the consultation processes and ask for a full and proper professional Market Research Society compliant public consultation of residents and businesses who use this road as a local road to/from their homes and other parts of Chiswick. To view what others have said click here.
For further information as to the “consultation” process please click here